Urgent notice to all parents
We have seen a big increase in children and young people attending the Emergency Department asking to be tested for COVID19.
Please note we are only testing children and young people who are being admitted to Alder Hey. Anyone else requiring a COVID19 test will need to follow guidance on the government website.
The main symptoms of coronavirus are: a high temperature, a new, continuous cough and a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste. Most people with coronavirus have at least 1 of these symptoms.
If you have symptoms and need to book a test, you can do this online – https://www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test or by calling 119. There have been more people trying to call 111 about testing, but 111 needs to be protected for people who are calling about other medical and health issues.
It’s really important that anyone with Covid-19 symptoms can get a test. This will help stop the spread of the virus. If you don’t have Covid-19 symptoms and you are trying to book a test, do not come forward for a test – you could be taking a test away from someone who really needs it. This is increasingly important as we head into Autumn and Winter and more people will get colds and the flu. Only if you have one of the 3 symptoms should you book a test.
Do not stockpile tests – we have plenty of stock and if you develop symptoms in future, you will be able to book a test. There is no need to order a test in case of future use.
If someone in your household starts to have symptoms, then that person must get tested and the rest of the household should self-isolate with them whilst they wait for the results. If you or other members of the household don’t have symptoms, then you should not get a test – only people with symptoms should get tested. The vast majority of people who are tested in person get their results the very next day. Full guidance on self-isolation is available on gov.uk.